Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence (BI) is a critical research field in the intersection of business strategy, data analysis, and technology. At Desk Research Group we advise businesses on how to use data analytics, data tools, and other BI practices to make informed business decisions, improve efficiency, and gain a competitive edge.

Ensuring the accuracy and reliability of data is crucial. This is where Desk Research Group can help in partnership with our technology partners, we will help you uncover invaluable insights, optimize operations, and drive strategic growth.

Informed Decision Making

We help you enable data-driven decisions, reduce risks and improve outcomes

Increased Efficiency

We help automate and streamline processes, saving time and resources

Competitive Advantage

We provide insights that can be leveraged for competitive differentiation

Business Strategy Alignment

We help with business strategy that aligns with BI initiatives


We help identify

opportunities for revenue growth and cost reduction

Some services may be performed in collaboration with one of our approved technology partners.

Previous Project Work

Market Size and Growth Potential Research

Industry: Shipping and Logistics 

Countries: UK and USA

Retail Market Expansion Research

Industry: Retail and Trade 

Countries: Italy, Ireland, UK and USA

Marketing Growth Review

Industry:Pharmaceutical and Medical Research

Countries: Europe and USA


Christopher Hutchinson Finance and Digital Technology Insights

Christopher Hutchinson

Chief Executive Officer
(Finance, Technology & Strategy)

Mandy Chandler Projects and Market Insights

Mandy Chandler

Project & Insights Manager

(International Business & Projects)


David Kerwood Research and Client Development

David Kerwood

Client Development Manager
B.Mus, B.Ed
(Research & Methodolgy)

Fill in the project form below, and we will do our best to bring your idea/project to life. It all starts with a small step forward, and we are eager to help.


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